HarvestEye is a machine-learning driven root crop insights tool commercially developed by agri-tech research and R&D firm B-hive Innovations. HarvestEye retrofits to existing harvesting or grading machinery, providing growers with valuable information on size, weight and relative yield of whole field crop performance that is absent from conventional sampling.
We launched HarvestEye to international arable farming trade press by targeting key national and continent-spanning publications, shouting about HarvestEye’s groundbreaking whole field insights through features delving into the first-hand accounts of partner growers.
To create a further buzz in the run up to and during international farming and fresh produce trade shows – including Fruit Logistica and the World Potato Congress – we targeted attending press to drive traffic to HarvestEye’s exhibition stalls and presentations, as well as organising one-to-one media briefings.
We secured standout arable trade coverage across leading potato growing nations around Europe, including the UK and Ireland, Germany, France and the Netherlands, as well as the United States, raising the global presence of HarvestEye to growers looking to better understand their whole field crop performance and variability – and creating sustainable growing techniques for the entire sector.
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